Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

Economy & Work


Is College Worth It?

As economic outcomes for young adults with and without a four-year college degree have improved, only one-in-four U.S. adults say it’s extremely or very important to have a degree in order to get a well-paying job.


The State of the American Middle Class

As the financial divide has grown, a smaller share of Americans now live in middle-class households. Here are key facts about this group.

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    Public Opinion In Gridlock Over Clinton Economic Package

    REPORT SUMMARY In just two months, the wide margin of public support for the Clinton economic package has narrowed dramatically, and Americans are now closely divided over whether Clintonomics will pay dividends in the long run. The public is further split on whether President Clinton can get his package passed in Congress, and most Americans […]

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    Less Support For Clintonomics Over The Back Fence

    REPORT SUMMARY A substantial majority of the American people continues to support Bill Clinton’s economic program, even as an uneasy and critical tone dominates the conversations and discussions of the plan among a remarkably high proportion of the public.  At the same time, the poll also finds most Americans seemingly willing to wait for a […]

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    It’s Still the Economy… Mr. Clinton

    Report Summary Despite an upsurge in consumer confidence, the attention of the American public continues to be focused on the economy. Nearly two out of three Americans (62%) believes that the economy is still either in a recession, or in a depression, while only 34% of the public thinks that an economic recovery has begun.

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    Public Interest and Awareness of the News

    Report Summary In a period when Mikhail Gorbachev resigned as President of the USSR, when the Soviet Union fragmented and dissolved, and when the Commonwealth of Independent States took its place, stories about the U.S. economy are being followed much more closely by the American people.

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    Americans want Bush call for Public Works/Job Program

    Report Summary With the State of the Union Address days away, a majority of the American people (52 percent) want President George Bush to call for a public works program to put the unemployed back to work as their first choice to revitalize the economy. President Bush’s job approval rating continues to drop (46%) as […]

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    Gas Prices Rival Gulf For Public Attention

    Report Summary The focus of the American public’s attention is shifting to the domestic consequences of the Gulf crisis. Although Iraqi occupation of Kuwait and U.S. troop deployment to the Gulf continues to dominate the consciousness of Americans, news about rising gasoline prices drew nearly as much public interest in September. At the same time, […]

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    Bush Approval Rating Plummets, Times Mirror Survey Finds

    Report Summary As the debate about the federal budget rages and the prospect of higher gasoline taxes looms, George Bush’s standing with the public has fallen dramatically. The latest nationwide poll by the Times Mirror Center for The People & The Press finds the President’s approval ratings down 13 percentage points in less than one […]

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    The People, the Press & Politics: Public Opinion About Economic Issues

    Report Summary Public perceptions and priorities are changing as the new administration begins its effort to deal with the nation’s economic problems. This new Times Mirror survey identifies five important elements of public opinion that have significant implications for economic policy alternatives. These trends and dispositions emerge from an analysis of the findings of 2000 […]

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    The People, the Press & Politics

    Report Summary There are 11 distinct groups in the American electorate — 10 that vote in varying degrees, and one that does not vote at all. How Americans vote is a much more complex process than previously defined. There have been many attempts to analyze political attitudes in this country. Some analysts have focused on […]